Why is Real Estate The Most Effective Investment

Why is Real Estate The Most Effective Investment

5 Reasons Real Estate Is the Most Effective and Lucrative Investment. The vast majority of people spend their lives working full-time jobs to earn a “steady” paycheck. Meanwhile, the wealthy have somehow unlocked the secret to working less while making their money...

Projected Returns in a Real Estate Syndication

Projected Returns in a Real Estate Syndication

How much can I expect to make if I Invest with you? One of the most common questions that we get asked is, “If I were to invest $50,000 with you today, what kinds of returns should I expect?” We get it. You want to know how hard real estate syndications can make your...

Know Your Goals Before Investing in Real Estate

Know Your Goals Before Investing in Real Estate

If you Don't Know Where You are Going, Any Road Will Get You There. - Lewis Carroll Take a moment to think about the process that you used to find the home you’re currently living in. You likely had a checklist that included a specific area, school district, commute,...

Investing in Real Estate vs. Relying on a 401k

Investing in Real Estate vs. Relying on a 401k

Two Drastically Different Retirement Outcomes.   It used to be that you went to college, got a good job with a pension, and rode that wave until the day you retired. Things aren’t like that anymore and we’re 100% individually responsible for putting away savings...

Is This a Good Investment?

Is This a Good Investment?

3 Must Have Qualities I Look for In Every Investment I Make. When you first start out in real estate investing, you may be excited to dive into scrubbing moldy cabinets, exterminating bug-infested corners, painting, repainting, and installing sheetrock until your arms...

Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence

Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence

How They’re Different, And How You Can Achieve Them. The two terms, financial independence and financial freedom are used interchangeably, but what does financial independence really mean, and how’s it different from financial freedom? Consider a toddler learning to...

Stop Trading Your Time for Money

Stop Trading Your Time for Money

How to Stop Trading Your Time for Money and Start Creating Passive Income.   Imagine with me, that your workday began with the usual routine, but halfway through your morning, you received the news you’d been laid off. For most Americans, that means zero income...

Beginners Guide to Real Estate Investing

Beginners Guide to Real Estate Investing

Where to Start. I often get asked, “What’s the best way to get started investing in real estate?” Let me reassure you, there are many ways to get started and you are not alone if you are interested but haven’t yet made the jump. This article will help relieve some of...

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