Projected Returns in a Real Estate Syndication

Projected Returns in a Real Estate Syndication

How much can I expect to make if I Invest with you? One of the most common questions that we get asked is, “If I were to invest $50,000 with you today, what kinds of returns should I expect?” We get it. You want to know how hard real estate syndications can make your...
Investing in Real Estate vs. Relying on a 401k

Investing in Real Estate vs. Relying on a 401k

Two Drastically Different Retirement Outcomes.   It used to be that you went to college, got a good job with a pension, and rode that wave until the day you retired. Things aren’t like that anymore and we’re 100% individually responsible for putting away savings...
Is This a Good Investment?

Is This a Good Investment?

3 Must Have Qualities I Look for In Every Investment I Make. When you first start out in real estate investing, you may be excited to dive into scrubbing moldy cabinets, exterminating bug-infested corners, painting, repainting, and installing sheetrock until your arms...

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