Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence

Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence

How They’re Different, And How You Can Achieve Them. The two terms, financial independence and financial freedom are used interchangeably, but what does financial independence really mean, and how’s it different from financial freedom? Consider a toddler learning to...
Stop Trading Your Time for Money

Stop Trading Your Time for Money

How to Stop Trading Your Time for Money and Start Creating Passive Income.   Imagine with me, that your workday began with the usual routine, but halfway through your morning, you received the news you’d been laid off. For most Americans, that means zero income...
Beginners Guide to Real Estate Investing

Beginners Guide to Real Estate Investing

Where to Start. I often get asked, “What’s the best way to get started investing in real estate?” Let me reassure you, there are many ways to get started and you are not alone if you are interested but haven’t yet made the jump. This article will help relieve some of...
Stocks vs. Real Estate – a Risk Comparison

Stocks vs. Real Estate – a Risk Comparison

Which is a Safer Investment – Stocks or Real Estate? Let’s take a close look at investing in stocks versus real estate, the four basic risks of investing, how commercial real estate investments mitigate risk, and why the stock market can be much riskier than...

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